
Programs for the Bilingual Education System (BES)

Programs are suitable:
  • for kindergarten
  • for English language school
Discount 15%
until 01.01.2024
more details
about the program
Elena Panfilova
Dear colleagues, if you feel that your educational institution lacks strategic direction, and teachers have lost inspiration and are working without a system, ineffectively doing the same thing according to templates developed 20 years ago, contact us and we will help!

MILC teachers always have a clearly structured system with goals and objectives outlined before them along with interdisciplinary relationships for 2 weeks (the duration of each module) in two languages! In addition, there are countless guides and resources that they can choose for their group of children, taking into account the level and age.

Also on our educational platform you will find celebration scripts, examples of projects for each of the modules of the Bilingual Education System and a manual for the psychologist (with diagnostic cards for each age group).
Director of MILC
  • Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. Teacher of German and English languages
  • Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Psycholinguistics
  • Moscow Institute of Economics, Statistics, and Informatics (MESI). Management, Marketing, and Law.
  • Ural State University of Economics (USUE). World Economy
  • Member of industry associations and speaker at educational conferences 🌎
we have been producing successful and happy children
14 years
The bilingual education system was deposited in 2013
MILC has also developed additional educational programs for children from one to 7 years old and for school children aged 7 to 16 years old – we have courses
Сourse BIDC
(Bilingual Integrated Development Course)
from one year to 7 years
Preparation Course
Speaking Club
Remember that the educational program –
is a strategy for the development of your students; without a single strategy, your teachers, like the “swan, crayfish and pike” from Krylov’s famous fable, will not achieve your goals and objectives. If you want the reputation of your educational institution to grow every day, and your kindergarten (or English language school) to be famous for its efficiency, do not miss the opportunity to streamline your educational processes!
Purchase access to our programs on the platform and you are guaranteed to receive a highly effective educational pathway which you are striving for!
Purchase access to the program
Structure of the Bilingual Education System (BES) program:
An outline of all 17 modules for all 5 age groups (2-3 years (Pre Nursery), 3-4 years (Nursery), 4-5 years (Reception), 5-6 years (Year 1), 6-7 years (Year 2)
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Goals and objectives for each of the 16 subjects of the educational program for 17 modules in five age groups
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Intersubject relationships
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Resources that educators can use for each module
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Celebration scripts and 30 intercultural events
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Examples of projects
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Diagnostic templates for each of the 3 semesters
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Schedule of intercultural events
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Schedule of modules and project activities
In the program in two languages ​​(Russian and English) you will find:
Structure of additional educational programs for English language schools:
Goals and objectives by subject
Diagnostic cards for each of the 3 semesters in the academic year
Resources for organizing classes (suggested materials)
Advantages of the program for the director and methodologist:
English speaking and Russian speaking teachers have clear guidelines on how to conduct classes in a team. With parallel teaching and interdisciplinary relationships, the intellectual load on the child is reduced by half! Because, for example, in Russian mathematics, counting is introduced, in English it is consolidated. This reduces the leader’s energy levels output and increases teaching efficiency!

You have a clear tool for monitoring teaching effectiveness (without the requirement for an authoritarian style diving in approach) in the form of diagnostic cards (link to example),

which teachers fill out at the end of each semester. In this way, you maintain trusting relationships with employees and a creative environment in your educational institution.
Advantages for teachers:
You receive full guidance for action
Lots of resources for working in two languages!
Access to the Bilingual Education System for a year
180 000 ₽
207 000 ₽
Purchase access to the program
15% discount until 01.01.2024
Access to additional educational programs for English language schools
150 000 ₽
172 500 ₽
Purchase access to the program
15% discount until 01.01.2024



We are open from 8:00 to 20:00

Phone: 8 (495) 997-23-65
